E2E TS: Install device agent on Advantech router
For single-deploy part:
- Version 0.3+ clean deploy
- Advantech v2, v3 or v4 router, able to connect to server
For multi-deploy part:
- Two multi-deploy installations and setup performed
- Advantech v2 or v3 or v4 router able to connect to server
Steps - single deploy:
- Login
- Download agent for Advantech devices:
- Use download shortcut on top right, left to the profile icon OR go to System -> Device Agents and choose correct agent type.
- Router UI: Log in to router, provide downloaded file (User Modules/Router Apps -> Choose File, choose file and confirm by Add or Update)
- Router UI: Once installed, go to User Modules, click on Adwarfg
- Router UI: Verify correct IP address, ping ok and healthcheck service ok
- Router UI: Verify Device ID is assigned. If not, wait 5 seconds, refresh and verify.
- Router UI, Version 0.4+: Verify time is calculated for Next sync with server entry. If not, wait 5 seconds, refresh and verify.
- (back to server UI): click on Devices, verify device is present and Status is set to Synchronized
- If Status is Arriving devices, wait 30 seconds, refresh and verify
- Go to device details
- check that FW version and device type is correct
- check that device metrics are filled, including SIM card's ICCID (device needs to have a SIM card inserted)
- check that list of network devices is correct
- 0.7+: check list of installed Router Apps is filled with correct list of SW packages.
- Check device is present in monitoring group All devices
- Check Dashboard
- verify that devices count increased
- 0.5+: verify that monitoring group All devices device counter is increased by 1
- 0.5+: verify that monitoring group All devices metrics breakdown increased properly (Freshness: Online +1 AND Sync Status: Synced +1)
Steps - multi-deploy (0.5+)
- Perform steps like in single-deploy for first deployment
- Note Device ID
- (Router UI): change server IP/FQDN to second deployment
- (Router UI): verify that router using first deployment UM is not able to connect to a different deployment (different SERVID)
- (second deploy UI): verify no new device appears in All devices group and on Dashboard
- (Router UI): remove agent user module
- (second deploy UI): download agent for second deployment
- (Router UI):
- Install downloaded UI for second deployment
- Verify agent gets Device ID assigned
- (second deploy UI): verify device present, device state, data metrics present, All devices group and Dashboard is updated
- (first deploy UI):
- Go to initial device Details
- Click on Download preset agent next to DevID
- (Router UI):
- Remove installed agent
- Install agent archive downloaded (preset agent)
- Verify that device is registered and the Device ID matches the original Device ID (noted down)