E2E TS: Install device agent on Advantech router


For single-deploy part:

  • Version 0.3+ clean deploy
  • Advantech v2, v3 or v4 router, able to connect to server

For multi-deploy part:

  • Two multi-deploy installations and setup performed
  • Advantech v2 or v3 or v4 router able to connect to server

Steps - single deploy:

  1. Login
  2. Download agent for Advantech devices:
    1. Use download shortcut on top right, left to the profile icon OR go to System -> Device Agents and choose correct agent type.
  3. Router UI: Log in to router, provide downloaded file (User Modules/Router Apps -> Choose File, choose file and confirm by Add or Update)
  4. Router UI: Once installed, go to User Modules, click on Adwarfg
  5. Router UI: Verify correct IP address, ping ok and healthcheck service ok
  6. Router UI: Verify Device ID is assigned. If not, wait 5 seconds, refresh and verify.
  7. Router UI, Version 0.4+: Verify time is calculated for Next sync with server entry. If not, wait 5 seconds, refresh and verify.
  8. (back to server UI): click on Devices, verify device is present and Status is set to Synchronized
    1. If Status is Arriving devices, wait 30 seconds, refresh and verify
  9. Go to device details
    1. check that FW version and device type is correct
    2. check that device metrics are filled, including SIM card's ICCID (device needs to have a SIM card inserted)
    3. check that list of network devices is correct
    4. 0.7+: check list of installed Router Apps is filled with correct list of SW packages.
  10. Check device is present in monitoring group All devices
  11. Check Dashboard
    1. verify that devices count increased
    2. 0.5+: verify that monitoring group All devices device counter is increased by 1
    3. 0.5+: verify that monitoring group All devices metrics breakdown increased properly (Freshness: Online +1 AND Sync Status: Synced +1)

Steps - multi-deploy (0.5+)

  1. Perform steps like in single-deploy for first deployment
  2. Note Device ID
  3. (Router UI): change server IP/FQDN to second deployment
  4. (Router UI): verify that router using first deployment UM is not able to connect to a different deployment (different SERVID)
  5. (second deploy UI): verify no new device appears in All devices group and on Dashboard
  6. (Router UI): remove agent user module
  7. (second deploy UI): download agent for second deployment
  8. (Router UI):
    1. Install downloaded UI for second deployment
    2. Verify agent gets Device ID assigned
  9. (second deploy UI): verify device present, device state, data metrics present, All devices group and Dashboard is updated
  10. (first deploy UI):
    1. Go to initial device Details
    2. Click on Download preset agent next to DevID
  11. (Router UI):
    1. Remove installed agent
    2. Install agent archive downloaded (preset agent)
    3. Verify that device is registered and the Device ID matches the original Device ID (noted down)