E2E TS: Setup monitoring group


  • Version 0.3+ clean deploy
  • Three device agents installed


  1. Go to Monitoring groups and click on +Add Group
  2. Enter group name (grouptest), confirm Create Monitoring Group
  3. Create another monitoring group (gt2)
  4. Open grouptest group Detail
  5. Add first two devices using + Add Device button and Add
  6. Verify device detail can be accessed from group Detail
  7. Add all devices to monitoring group gt2
  8. Visit dashboard, check correct metrics and numbers are displayed for all groups (All devices, grouptest, gt2)
  9. Define a simple alert for monitoring group grouptest (Trigger if 1 or more devices in group grouptest has more than 1 processes)
  10. Check that alert is counted against correct monitoring group on Dashboard - belongs to grouptest monitoring group but not against All devices group.
  11. Wait 2 minutes.
  12. Confirm that alert triggers, verify that:
    1. lights for group grouptest went red
    2. global light went yellow
    3. alert is listen on the dashboard as triggered, showing links for all the devices in group grouptest