E2E TS: Setup monitoring group
- Version 0.3+ clean deploy
- Three device agents installed
- Go to Monitoring groups and click on +Add Group
- Enter group name (grouptest), confirm Create Monitoring Group
- Create another monitoring group (gt2)
- Open grouptest group Detail
- Add first two devices using + Add Device button and Add
- Verify device detail can be accessed from group Detail
- Add all devices to monitoring group gt2
- Visit dashboard, check correct metrics and numbers are displayed for all groups (All devices, grouptest, gt2)
- Define a simple alert for monitoring group grouptest (Trigger if 1 or more devices in group grouptest has more than 1 processes)
- Check that alert is counted against correct monitoring group on Dashboard - belongs to grouptest monitoring group but not against All devices group.
- Wait 2 minutes.
- Confirm that alert triggers, verify that:
- lights for group grouptest went red
- global light went yellow
- alert is listen on the dashboard as triggered, showing links for all the devices in group grouptest