E2E TS: Setup alert
- Version 0.5+, 0.7+ for waiting times mentioned below. For <0.7, the waiting times needs to be longer.
- Two registered devices
- Two additional monitoring groups (next to "All devices" group, let's call them A and B)
- Disable all shipped alerts (in Alerts table) except the late device alert.
- Add first device to group A
- Add both devices to group B
- Go to Alerts, add alert using +Create Alert
- Target type: Device
- Target device: choose first device
- Target spec: Missed contacts
- Operator: Greater then
- First Number: 0 missed contacts
- Create another alert, now for a number of devices in a group:
- Target type: At least # devs in grp
- Select monitoring group: B
- Target amount: 2
- Target spec: Missed contacts
- Operator: Greater then
- First Number: 0 missed contacts
- Create another alert, for a number of devices in a group:
- Target type: At least # devs in grp
- Select monitoring group: A
- Target amount: 1
- Target spec: # of running processes
- Operator: In Between
- First Number: 1
- Second Number: 10000 (use bigger number then number of processes on either machine)
- Wait until all alerts are Active
- Verify that third alert (# of running processes between 1 and 10000) is triggered immediately
- Check Dashboard and verify that the group A has raised alert (counter should show 1).
- No other alerts should be raised.
- Stop agent on first device
- Wait (at most) 7 minutes
- Verify that the device-targeted alert has triggered and counter for raised alerts on All devices group is now 1.
- Verify monitoring group B is not reporting raised alert
- Stop agent on second device
- Wait (at most) 7 minutes
- Verify that the alert on group B is now raised both in alerts table and on Dashboard (All devices = 1, A = 1, B = 1)
- Start agents on both devices
- Wait (at most) 2 minutes
- Verify that first and third alerts are not raised in the table
- Verify that the Dashboard displays
- Raised alert in group A
- Past+Inv alert for group All devices
- Past+Inv alert for group B
- Verify all alerts can be accessed from the Dashboard
- Clear both Past alerts by clicking on Clear counter next each of the alerts being listed.
- Verify that both cleared alerts disappear from the Past+Inv counter for group All devices and group B