E2E TS: Setup alert


  • Version 0.5+, 0.7+ for waiting times mentioned below. For <0.7, the waiting times needs to be longer.
  • Two registered devices
  • Two additional monitoring groups (next to "All devices" group, let's call them A and B)


  1. Disable all shipped alerts (in Alerts table) except the late device alert.
  2. Add first device to group A
  3. Add both devices to group B
  4. Go to Alerts, add alert using +Create Alert
    1. Target type: Device
    2. Target device: choose first device
    3. Target spec: Missed contacts
    4. Operator: Greater then
    5. First Number: 0 missed contacts
  5. Create another alert, now for a number of devices in a group:
    1. Target type: At least # devs in grp
    2. Select monitoring group: B
    3. Target amount: 2
    4. Target spec: Missed contacts
    5. Operator: Greater then
    6. First Number: 0 missed contacts
  6. Create another alert, for a number of devices in a group:
    1. Target type: At least # devs in grp
    2. Select monitoring group: A
    3. Target amount: 1
    4. Target spec: # of running processes
    5. Operator: In Between
    6. First Number: 1
    7. Second Number: 10000 (use bigger number then number of processes on either machine)
  7. Wait until all alerts are Active
  8. Verify that third alert (# of running processes between 1 and 10000) is triggered immediately
    1. Check Dashboard and verify that the group A has raised alert (counter should show 1).
    2. No other alerts should be raised.
  9. Stop agent on first device
  10. Wait (at most) 7 minutes
  11. Verify that the device-targeted alert has triggered and counter for raised alerts on All devices group is now 1.
    1. Verify monitoring group B is not reporting raised alert
  12. Stop agent on second device
  13. Wait (at most) 7 minutes
  14. Verify that the alert on group B is now raised both in alerts table and on Dashboard (All devices = 1, A = 1, B = 1)
  15. Start agents on both devices
  16. Wait (at most) 2 minutes
  17. Verify that first and third alerts are not raised in the table
  18. Verify that the Dashboard displays
    1. Raised alert in group A
    2. Past+Inv alert for group All devices
    3. Past+Inv alert for group B
  19. Verify all alerts can be accessed from the Dashboard
  20. Clear both Past alerts by clicking on Clear counter next each of the alerts being listed.
  21. Verify that both cleared alerts disappear from the Past+Inv counter for group All devices and group B