E2E TS: Clone configuration (router to router)
- Version 0.3+ deployed
- Two Advantech routers that would still connect once configuration is cloned (e.g. DHCP address, not fixed etc.)
Phase 1
- Make configuration of the two devices different
- Update the startup script text in one router
- Register both devices, lets pretend the DevIDs are AAAA and BBBB
- Access device AAAA Details
- Under "Config profile cloned from" select BBBB and confirm by "Set"
- Verify that Details and Device table shows the cloning
- Verify that device AAAA status changes to "Being processed" => "Sync pending"
- Wait 6 minutes
- Verify that startup script has been updated on AAAA and matches the startup script on BBBB
- Verify that AAAA status is "Synchronized" and it still clones BBBB
Phase 2
- Introduce changes in AAAA device's startup script
- Wait 6 minutes
- Verify that device state is now "Sync pending"
- Wait 6 minutes
- Verify that AAAA device's startup script is reversed back to mirror BBBB device startup script
- Verify that device status is now "Synchronized"
Phase 3
- Disable configuration cloning
- Introduce changes in AAAA's startup script
- Wait 6 minutes
- Verify that device status is still "Synchronized"
- Verify that AAAA's startup script is not reverted back to mirror BBBB's startup script