E2E TS: Clone configuration (router to router)


  • Version 0.3+ deployed
  • Two Advantech routers that would still connect once configuration is cloned (e.g. DHCP address, not fixed etc.)


Phase 1

  1. Make configuration of the two devices different
    1. Update the startup script text in one router
  2. Register both devices, lets pretend the DevIDs are AAAA and BBBB
  3. Access device AAAA Details
  4. Under "Config profile cloned from" select BBBB and confirm by "Set"
  5. Verify that Details and Device table shows the cloning
  6. Verify that device AAAA status changes to "Being processed" => "Sync pending"
  7. Wait 6 minutes
  8. Verify that startup script has been updated on AAAA and matches the startup script on BBBB
  9. Verify that AAAA status is "Synchronized" and it still clones BBBB

Phase 2

  1. Introduce changes in AAAA device's startup script
  2. Wait 6 minutes
  3. Verify that device state is now "Sync pending"
  4. Wait 6 minutes
  5. Verify that AAAA device's startup script is reversed back to mirror BBBB device startup script
  6. Verify that device status is now "Synchronized"

Phase 3

  1. Disable configuration cloning
  2. Introduce changes in AAAA's startup script
  3. Wait 6 minutes
  4. Verify that device status is still "Synchronized"
  5. Verify that AAAA's startup script is not reverted back to mirror BBBB's startup script