E2E TS: E-mail and slack notifications


  • version 0.5+ deployed
  • No slack notification setup
  • One device registered


  1. Setup Slack notifications as per admin/help/notifications page
  2. Setup SMTP server settings
    1. Go to System -> Settings
    2. Fill in SMTP server box on top right
    3. Check following on Notifications box:
      1. Enable Email Notifications
      2. Send Email Notifications to other address:
    4. Fill in the Email address in the Notifications box
    5. Click on Save button
  3. Define an alert that triggers immediately, e.g.
    1. Target Specification: # of running processes
    2. Operator: != not equal
    3. First Value: 1
  4. Wait (at most) 1 minute (v.0.7+) until the new alert triggers.
  5. Verify that notification is delivered on the Slack channel
  6. Verify that notification is delivered on the provided e-mail address (note that e-mail delivery can take several minutes)