E2E TS: Access log information
- Navigate to System -> Event Log
- Click on Download Log button next to Event Log caption.
- Receive dwarfg_logspack.tgz file
- Verify it could be unarchived by tar -xzf dwarfg_logspack.tgz
- Verify it contains dwarfg_logs_<numbers> directory (possibly under the tmp directory)
- Verify that the directory contains following items:
- dashboard.datadump - a valid JSON file
- event_log.sql - DB dump of log_events DB table, verify at least one entry is there
- product_conf.sql - DB dump of product_conf DB table, verify dwarfg config is present there
- metrics.txt - verify that it contains:
- FS space and i-node data for /, dwarfg install deployment-dependent directory (e.g.
), dwarfg srv directory (e.g. /srv/dwarfg_
- listings of dwarfg cache directory (
) but NO file from that directory itself.
- md5sum for files under the deployment directory (
or similar based on deployed domain)
- free + uptime result
- content of /etc/issue.net
- gui/log subdirectory (may be empty)
- notifier subdirectory (may be empty)
- dwarfg/logs subdirectory containing
- log_dwarfgd.txt
- pidfile.txt
- 0.7+: dcl.txt (if DCL File Export is enabled)