MAMAS version 0.7.1 "early2 patch1"

  • status: obsoleted by MAMAS 0.7.2
  • released at: 24th January 2023 (2023-01-24)
  • supported modes of operation:
    • production: Yes
    • free usage: Yes (included, 15 seats, 2 webtunnel, expires 2023-03-25)
  • supported deployment modes:
    • DT SAAS / DT Cloud / DT Server Managed: Yes / No / Yes
    • Partner SAAS / Partner Cloud / Partner Server Managed: Yes / No / Yes
    • Customer self-managed: Yes
    • Private network: Yes
  • support planned: until 0.7.2 release
  • upgrade supported from:
  • target audience: early adopters
  • showcase video: Use last from previous 0.7.0 version

Release notes - known issues, changes since last release

Version 0.7.1 is a patchlevel version on top of 0.7.0. Next to the important agent stability improvements (especially after device reboot on Advantech routers), it brings minor functionality - see RNs.

Known issues (updates with bugs being reported)

  • mamasd does not start after MariaDB failure
    • Description: The process of deleting device in MAMAS has several stages, when the real DB cleanup happens on service restart. mamasd relies on DB (MariaDB at the moment) to finish the cleanup using the ON DELETE CASCADE statement. If MariaDB fails to perform the ON DELETE CASCADE, there may be some left-overs in the DB that could block mamasd startup. We have faced one such case (in particular impacting the device_netdevs table), where MariaDB did set the foreign key values to NULL instead of deleting the affected rows. This leads to mamasd fail to start.
    • Trigger: device deletion + MariaDB failure on mamas service restart
    • Reported: 2023-Feb-06
    • Workaround: server admin can fix the situation by cleaning up the impacted table manually, removing the invalid entries. Depending on the particular situation, the fix could be performed like
      • mysql
      • use <your_db_name>
      • delete from device_netdevs where id_device is NULL;
      • please NOTE, that the above depends on your MAMAS domain (affects DB name) and the DB table affected can potentially be different. Your best bet is to contact support in the case you hit this problem.
    • Fix: mamas-side fix ready in the next patchlevel version - 0.7.2. While we cannot automatically fix problems introduced by DB failures, we will make mamas resilient to this type of DB data failures by skipping such data and continuing service startup.

Changes since version 0.7.0 "early2"

  • Advantech routers: added ability to handle the situation when new agent gets assigned identical PID to the PID of the last agent running before reboot. This lead to the misdetection of running state (new agent: there is an agent running already, while in reality, there was NOT) and thus agent not starting. Due to the very low (read: virtualy non-existing) randomization of PID (in cases with low entropy?) this actually happens not-so-rarely on Advantech routers.
  • Signal Strength and Signal Quality (for cellular routers) is now parsed on server and shown on Device Details
  • Signal Strength now has a averaged statistics and is also DCL'd.
  • These DCL metrics gathering has been disabled as they may generate substantial data when there are a lot of devices. Once the user-facing configuration for the daemon is introduced (0.8.0 likely), the user would be able to enable/disable these at will:
    • Available memory
    • Free RootFS space