MAMAS version 0.7.2 "early2 patch2"

  • status: obsoleted by Patch version 0.7.3
  • released at: 1st March 2023 (2023-03-01)
  • supported modes of operation:
    • production: Yes
    • free usage: Yes (included, 10 seats, 2 webtunnel, expires 2023-May-12)
  • supported deployment modes:
    • DT SAAS / DT Cloud / DT Server Managed: Yes / No / Yes
    • Partner SAAS / Partner Cloud / Partner Server Managed: Yes / No / Yes
    • Customer self-managed: Yes
    • Private network: Yes
  • support planned: until 0.7.3/0.8.0 release
  • upgrade supported from:
  • target audience: early adopters
  • showcase video: Use last from previous 0.7.0 version

Release notes - known issues, changes since last release

Version 0.7.2 is a patchlevel version on top of 0.7.1 and it also brings some improvements.

Known issues (updates with bugs being reported)

  1. Some IPv6 addresses for some device's network interfaces are not processed correctly on server, causing some network interfaces not appearing in list of interfaces for these devices.
    • Impacts: Devices with long IPv6 addresses - longer than the max length of field in the DB
    • Description:
      • If an IPv6 address is longer than maximum assigned length in DB, storing of the network interface data into the DB will fail, causing such network interfaces not appearing in the network interface list for that device.
    • Reported: 2023-Mar-09
    • Workaround for single-deploy:
      • Impossible without manually altering the DB scheme
      • If you are willing to alter the DB scheme:
        • First backup your mamas installation like this (note your domain affects all the commands, lets pretend your domain is here)
          • /opt/ backup
          • If you get any error during backup, do no proceed with any further steps. Do not restore, your deployment is not touched by the backup and is running like it was. If it is not running (backup just didn't start it up), use systemctl start to spin it up.
          • mysql mamasmy_domain_org
          • ALTER TABLE device_netdevs MODIFY ip6addr VARCHAR(48);
          • exit
        • If anything goes wrong, AND you have successful backup, you can restore your mamas backed-up installation like this
          • first remove the deployment: /opt/ --yes
          • run restore operation from the backup directory: /opt/backup_mamas/mamasmy_domain_org%0.7.2/data/ restore
    • Fix: ready, scheduled for next version
  2. Removal of MAMAS Agent from device that has a running webtunnel may let the webtunnel script running in memory.
    • Impacts: Advantech routers with running webtunnel when the agent is removed from the router while webtunnel is running. May impact other device types (untested).
    • Description:
      • If a router has running and functioning webtunnel, the webtunnel is stopped only when it fails or when agent receives a stop command from the server. When you uninstall the agent (delete the User Module/Router App from router UI), the agent is stopped and removed but the webtunnel is kept running in memory. Thus, the router web UI is still accessible from the MAMAS server via the running tunnel until connection fails or until router reboots (whichever comes first).
    • Reported: 2023-Mar-09
    • Workaround:
      • Option A (applicable prior agent uninstall): Shutdown the tunnel in MAMAS and wait with the uninstall until the tunnel is stopped (you can check the agent log in the router UI).
      • Option B (applicable after agent uninstall): Reboot the router. Any webtunnel running in memory will not survive reboot and the webtunnel script was removed from the filesystem during uninstallation so there is no script left that could be started during boot time.
    • Fix: ready, scheduled for next version.
  3. Defaulting of Webtunnel port to 22 after installation or upgrade from 0.7.1
    • Impacts: On-premise and service operators when (and only when) using a non-default ssh port for webtunnels.
    • Description:
      • If you have installed MAMAS with parameter --servsshport to use a non-default port for webtunnels (other than 22), MAMAS version 0.7.2 will still use (after install or upgrade from 0.7.1) the port 22.
      • The issue lies within the new server configuration file mamas.ini. This file overrides basic definitions and unfortunately, it specifies the port being 22 by default. While this allows the administrator to change the port after the installation, the line in mamas.ini should be commented by default (to use the port from basic definitions file).
    • Reported: 2023-Mar-07
    • Workaround:
      • Option A:
        • comment out line specifying the SSH port. That is, change the content from SERV_TUNSSH_PORT=22 to #SERV_TUNSSH_PORT=22
        • restart mamas service. The exact name of your service depends on your domain.
          • systemctl restart mamas<domain>
      • Option B:
        • put the desired port number on the line. That is, change the content from SERV_TUNSSH_PORT=22 to SERV_TUNSSH_PORT=<your_port>
        • restart mamas service. The exact name of your service depends on your domain.
          • systemctl restart mamas<domain>
    • Fix: ready, scheduled for next version
  4. Installing MAMAS on domain containing dash in the domain name
    • Impacts: Domains (URLs) containing dash - prior MAMAS installation only
    • Description: When you attempt to install MAMAS for a domain that contains a dash in the domain name, the install script generates a DB identifier containing a dash character (e.g. generates DB name my-domain_com). That is not an allowed DB name for MariaDB and thus the MAMAS installation fails to finish successfully and MAMAS will not start.
    • Reported: 2023-Mar-17
    • Workaround:
      • (only if you ended up with failed installation before attempting this: remove the failed installation by calling script from the installed location (/opt/mamas<your_domain>/ and removing the uncompressed installation file)
      • Uncompress the installation package as usual.
      • Update MAMAS definition file. The file needs to updated prior the installation. After uncompressing the installation archive, the file path is mamas_install/appdir/mamas_defs. Update the file in place according to the following: The line responsible for generating MAMAS DB name needs to be updated from this:
        • MAMDBN="$NAME${DOMAIN//./_}"
      • to this:
        • MAMDBN="$NAME${DOMAIN//[.-]/_}"
      • Next, run the installation as usual, no other action is necessary. The correct DB name gets copied on all needed locations during installation automatically and all MAMAS processes, scripts and UI will use the corrected DB name.
      • The effect is that not only the dot characters are replaced by underscore characters when generating a DB name but also all dashes in the domain name are replaced by underscores.
    • Fix: ready, scheduled for next version

Changes since version 0.7.1 "early2 patch1"

  • New mass actions on both Devices table and Monitoring groups table:
    • Mass FW upgrade
    • Mass Configuration profile set (Cloning mode)
  • Ability to customize Devices table layout (choose from limited number of columns)
  • In-browser notifications on mass action results
  • Significant reduction in CPU usage when a lot of devices is registered (noticeable from 1000 devices, significant on 5000, saving a lot on 10000+)
  • Fix for reboot counter reported increase by one for each end every device on MAMAS service restart
  • Enabled numeric sorting in Changes Tracker
  • Other fixes and improvements (see Release Notes in application About -> Release Notes)