Dwarfguard Introduction
What is Dwarfguard?
It is a software for Remote Monitoring and Management.
- Implemented features are part of the following basic areas:
- Monitoring
- Alerting
- Management
- Automation
- System functions
- The product itself is a high-performing single node application for up to 65 000 devices (for Dwarfguard versions 0.x). See Performance for details.
- Dwarfguard is primarily meant as a commercial product. Other options are described on Getting Dwarfguard page. Dwarfguard is sold mainly by Distributors and Partners as Dwarf Technologies is primarily a technological company focusing on building the product. While you may inquire directly at Dwarf Technologies for purchasing a license or SAAS demand, using Distributors is much easier and cheaper way. Please follow to Distributors and Partners page
The main use cases Dwarguard is aspiring to fulfill are:
- Awareness that your devices are running - the devices are providing status updates to the Dwarfguard server in a timely fashion.
- Ability to provide device actual metrics like memory and CPU usage, filesystem free space, traffic and more.
- Capturing history of device metrics thus ability to visualize peaks, reboots etc.
- Access to device metrics history to review what was changed and when.
- Alerting you if something goes wrong - e.g. if a device does not provide status update for a defined period, a device temperature going over threshold etc.
- Ability to define custom alert conditions on most of the metrics.
- Possibility to group your devices and defining alerts against the groups, thus providing a way how to watch over different metrics or conditions for different types of devices. Grouping comes handy especially when you have many devices.
- Providing overview of the system and devices status allowing for easy recognition if there is a problem and quick identification where the problem is (e.g. localizing the problematic device via a single look at the Dashboard).
- Ability to identify extremes among your devices (device with highest temperature/number of reboots) inside a specified timeframe.
- Offering access to local device web management from your browser via Dwarfguard server (a Webtunnel) thus enabling detailed remote management of any device that provides a local web interface.
- Ability to manage device firmware version for the supported device types.
- Ability to set device parameters for the selected set of metrics for supported device types.
- Possibility to clone configuration from one device to another (and keep tracking it in case that source device configuration changes or target device configuration deviates).
The use cases list is still growing - the current version of Dwarfguard is designated as Early3 (0.8.0) and providing custom functionality is also possible.